Dear Friend.
Jonathan Proulx & Curtis Keeping have been able to master the game of selling brand name products on Amazon and are now looking to teach their business model to other's who are willing to learn.
John & Curtis didn't start out as successful entrepreneurs. They started their careers working in Northern Alberta's oilfield as tradesmen.
After spending several years working in the oilfield for someone else, the two came to realize that there are far better opportunities out there to make a living.
At the time, Amazon was displaying record-breaking growth year after year, and with over 51% of Amazon's sales coming from 3rd party sellers like John & Curtis. They quickly saw the advantages of leveraging Amazon's seller platform and having access to their existing customer base of 350+ million people.
For the next 3 years, John & Curtis doubled down and began to learn how to use the mega platform to make money.
With many lessons learned from trial and error; and many lessons learned from their mentors, John & Curtis have put together a training program like no other. They have included every possible detail needed to succeed and thrive while selling brand name products on Amazon from anywhere around the world!